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Eggleston Hall Gardens

Eggleston Hall Gardens Videos

Aconitum x cammarum "Bicolor"

8th August, 2013

This is a lovely Monkshood. Aconitum is taken from the Greek word "Akon", meaning dart, because warriors used the lethal juices to poison their arrow heads. Although the alternative and more believable tale is that Cerberus the three-headed dog and gatekeeper of Hades (hell), vomited the poisonous plant while doing battle with Hercules on the hill of Aconitus.

You pays your money and takes your chance with folklore. Amongst the other common names for Monkshood are; Wolfbane; Helmet flower; and Old Womans Nightcap....though these also refer to other plants. Stick with nLatin names, that way we all know what the Hades were talking about.